Friday, September 7, 2007

Day Sleven

-wierd angle

-de sharkz ate muh legs.

-forgive the wonky thighs. had to chop my daughter out cause nekkid bebbies dont belong on the internetz.

-and I really dont have two belly buttons. really.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Day 6

Boomstick Babe.

(Just finished taking shots - quick placeholder until I find time tonight to edit a couple, watch out for bonuses including a severed hand, boomstick, and necronomicon).

**Ps. This costume is FAR from complete. The shot gun, chainsaw need more painting details done to them, and the clothing needs more gore. Also, my make up in being shipped so I had to swing it for these. Don't hate.**

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Day 5

- chasing the sun. my only solace above the chaos.
- today i was pwnd. tomorrow expect a costumed shot.

ps. on a side note, the only bonus of today was I seen me a FUGGIN KATUE kid. Fresh bebbe feet are all gobbley gobbley.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Day 4

Subliminal advertisement for possibly the best pop ever. (Well..right after cream and purple soda anyways.)